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a path to efficiency
AI Knowledge base ​with reasoning algorithms ​and an intuitive interaction

Although we all talk about the knowledge society,
we are still “trapped” in an informational reality
with most knowledge exclusively in people's minds.


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Prime Beneficiaries

Dynamic organizations with high member rotation
When organizations have a high rotation in team members or on the tasks they are assigned to, the ease of access to each task procedures and contextual relevant knowledge is critical for efficiency and productivity.
Knowledge transfer organizations
Organizations that collect technical and business knowledge in order to provide specialized services or to transfer that knowledge to other organizations.
Knowledge-oriented Individuals
Self-employed people, or individuals dedicated to hobbies, who constantly collect and organize knowledge about their interests.
Companies with high consumer interaction
Whether collecting information directly from consumer interactions or from the environment where it happens, this knowledge can support efficient advice systems.
Larger organizations
Large organizations that have dispersed and unrelated knowledge that is not always accessible or easily found when needed.
Small Research and Development Teams
R&D teams that deal with a constant flow of new knowledge and need to organize and share it among members.

Knowledge is more than information

The use of semantic representation tools promotes knowledge share between multiple users, but also encourages the debate and consolidation of that knowledge.

Purpose Practical Needs Practical Solutions Real Needs, Practical solutions
Knowledge Consolidation When we gather knowledge, either online, at events or in the field, we need to take more than notes. We need to be able to relate with previous concepts. Collect information, add semantically connected notes and structure ideas within contexts, to build a organized domain description. from scattered data to semantically browsable content and solid summaries
Collaborative Organizations When organizations work together, the quality and clarity of shared knowledge is crucial for successful outcomes Share editable reports, create contextualized conversations, and allow for exploratory navigation in related concepts organize, pack, share and get feedback
Team Members
Whenever new members join a team, passing-on prior knowledge is a challenge due to its size and diversity Make relevant knowledge easily accessible to new members, using semantic relations to focus the attention in what matters point the topics, let new members explore as they need
Business Domain Analysis During an analysis, it is difficult to maintain a balance between the diversity of perspectives, explore in detail or remain in an overview, and to correlate with general knowledge Semantically relate information from different sources, combine different and complementary perspectives, use automatic reasoning to focus the attention on trends and check for inconsistencies collect, process and identify trends or dangers
Support and Maintenance Field interventions often require a broader knowledge than just knowing the task at hand or access to equipment manual Select and guide the team members on their priority tasks, and provide them with the necessary knowledge to fulfil their goals more than assigning tasks, provide the knowledge to execute
Requirement Analysis When analyzing requirements, it is not easy to have a global view on all impacts and maintain a history of constraints for a given functionality Analyze the requirements in all its perspectives, easily merging the impacts and providing complete insights into its complexity merge different perspectives on the same topic
Knowledge Persistence Knowledge is lost over time, either in communication between different persons or due to specific circumstances, like mental illness Develop a knowledge repository with semantic indexing, enabling long-term retrieval and maintaining relevance over time. Use automated tools to capture and preserve key insights dynamically ensure critical information endures by creating a living, self-updating system of interconnected knowledge

A knowledge base is an essential tool that enables not only the sharing of knowledge but also the fostering of discussion and refinement of that knowledge.

When the right knowledge is available at the right time for the right people,
we are more productive and results are of better quality.

Organize and document, informal and unstructured knowledge, into a browsable repository

avoid loss of knowledge

Have tools that facilitate access to knowledge, starting from a task specific information and exploring further

easily accessible

Use automatic reasoning to process knowledge, to avoid outdated or misleading information and focus in the most important aspects

make knowledge explicit

Work collaboratively on knowledge, to consolidate the experience of the various participants and speed up the integration of new elements

share and collaborate


Converting Data into Knowledge

Complementary to the ability to add and structure knowledge directly,
modern organizations already have a vast source of information
that can be seamlessly integrated into the knowledge base
in a process fully supported by our toolkit

Cognitive Knowledge Base

Combining 25 years of experience in creating business solutions for process optimization and collaborative work, we've used knowledge representation theories from Artificial Intelligence to create a system capable of representing the 3 types of knowledge that we deal with on a daily basis: descriptive, contextual and relational.

By properly representing the knowledge, we can then implement automatic reasoning algorithms that validate the consistency of the knowledge and keep it up to date.

A global process that also involves integration with other upstream systems, for automatic knowledge extraction, and downstream for automatic action or in generating content for user consumption.

And because knowledge is all about people and experience, users are always involved in the process. We provide intuitive and powerful tools for editing, exploratory browsing and promoting the debate around the knowledge.

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Limited availability

KBAI ToolKit

To simplify everything, we have prepared a web app toolkit that you can easily use on our desktops or mobile devices. With complementary interaction, each of these web applications addresses a different daily task, with intuitive use and quick learning.

Click on the images to know more.

How to start

You have several options depending on your goals and adoption scope.

Cloud License

Activate a Cloud account and start exploring the benefits of a proper knowledge management for only a small monthly fee per user.

Dedicated Server

Activate your own dedicated server with the KBAI toolkit installed and have explorer the potential benefits of a full integration with your information infrastructure.

Contact us

Not sure what is the best option for you or want to explore any kind of partnership, we're open for collaboration.