KBAI Research

Case Studies

The use of knowledge bases may be applied in a diverse set of scenarios, ranging from a shared, collective repository into an individual, private use.

Due to the broad scope of potential use, the case studies were organized by the number and structure of their users.

  • Knowledge Gathering and Sharing - in which a group of independent users share and search for knowledge.
    Interactive knowledge sharing sessions, like conferences, and collaborative knowledge sharing platforms, like forums and brainstorming tools;
  • My Life - covering the knowledge gathered and used individually by a user to plan and perform daily tasks.
    The user personal tasks, goals, or any other knowledge relevant for its daily operations​.
    Annotations, memory aids and other knowledge that complement the user own memory and provides data for the automatic reasoning algorithms.
  • Business Knowledge - intelligent integration with ERP data, converting information into knowledge for automatic reasoning​.
    Extract implicit connections, identify special business scenarios, trigger actions, provide insights and ​contextual overviews​.

  • Team & Project Management Structure the knowledge about a project, a product or a complex system, in order to maintain a timely evolving representation of all relevant information.
  • Tourist ​Profiling​ & Recommendations To have a dynamically evolving representation of tourists, able to represent as knowledge their actions and ​infer from past knowledge their interests