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a path to efficiency
AI Knowledge base ​with reasoning algorithms ​and an intuitive interaction

Empower Your Knowledge

Support Our AI-Driven Knowledge Base Revolution

Join our effort to revolutionize the way people access and share knowledge.

Register now and have access to a restricted early stage Teams License at a very low cost.

By contributing with 250€ (75% off expected price), you acquire a 3-year teams license for 3 users in our cutting-edge KBAI Platform, featuring a comprehensive toolkit that allows you to edit, share, and browse knowledge effortlessly.

The early stage users will also have the opportunity to shape the final details, by providing feature requests and make evaluations on existing ones.
At your own pace, we will ask for your opinion and prioritize them for implementation.

Empower yourself to unlock smarter insights and make informed decisions with ease.

Together, we can make a great product!
Every pledge matters. Join us and be part of making this innovation a reality!


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